Listing of Federal Programs
Title I, Part A - Improving Basic Programs Operated by Local Educational Agencies
To help local educational agencies (LEAs) improve teaching and learning in high-poverty schools, in particular, for children failing, or most at-risk of failing, to meet challenging state academic achievement standards.
Title I, SIA, Part A - Improving Basic Programs Operated by LEAs: School Improvement
To help the lowest-achieving schools meet the progress goals in their Title I Program plan. These funds are allocated to low-performing schools to help students achieve academic proficiency and to complement the schools' use of Title I, Part A funds.
Title II, Part A - Teacher and Principal Training and Recruiting Fund
To provide grants to state educational agencies and sub-grants to local educational agencies to prepare, train, and recruit high-quality teachers, principals, and other school leaders
Title III - Language Instruction for English Learners and Immigrant Students
- To help ensure that English learners attain English proficiency and develop high levels of academic achievement in English
- To assist all English learners to achieve high levels in academic subjects
- To assist teachers, principals and other school leaders, state educational agencies, local educational agencies, and schools in establishing, implementing, and sustaining effective language instruction educational programs designed to assist in teaching English learners
- To assist teachers, principals and other school leaders, state educational agencies, and local educational agencies to develop and enhance their capacity to provide effective instructional programs designed to prepare English learners to enter all-English instructional settings
- To promote parental, family, and community participation in language instruction, educational programs for parents, families, and communities of English learners.
Title IV, Part A - the Student Support and Academic Enrichment Program
- To provide all students with a well-rounded education and provide all students with access to an enriched curriculum and educational experience
- To foster safe, healthy, supportive, and drug-free environments that support student academic achievement
- To increase access to personalized, rigorous learning experiences supported by the use of technology to improve academic achievement and digital literacy of all students.
Title Funded Programs For Fiscal Year 2020-2021
Title I, Part A - Improving Basic Programs Operated by Local Educational Agencies
- Summer school programs
- After-school programs
- Various Intervention Programs such as:
- Read 180
- Achieve 3000
- Programs for parental involvement
- Professional development for teachers
- Supporting school operations (Whole School Reform)
- Federal program administration
Title I, SIA, Part A - Improving Basic Programs Operated by LEAs: School Improvement
- Supporting programs that are identified as “Comprehensive Schools”
- Supporting programs that are identified as “Targeted Schools”
Title II, Part A - Teacher and Principal Training and Recruiting Fund
Transfer resources to Title I to support comprehensive strategies
itle III - Language Instruction for English Learners and Immigrant Students
Supporting School Operations (WSR)
Title IV, Part A - the Student Support and Academic Enrichment Program
Transfer resources to Title I support comprehensive strategies