Magnet Program

  • The Paterson Public Schools Bilingual Magnet Program at School 8, School 16, School 21, and New Roberto Clemente offer native language instruction in Spanish for grades K-8 in all content areas as well as High Intensity ESL. Dr. Frank Napier School of Technolgy offers native language instruction in Spanish for grades 6-8 in all content areas as well as High Intensity. 

    The Magnet Program was designed to maximize our resources and staff for native language bilingual instruction. Students identified for the Magnet Program are selected based on multiple criteria. The long-term goal for our program is for students to achieve a high level of proficiency in understanding, speaking, reading and writing in English as well as in their native language, thus promoting bilingualism, biliteracy, and biculturalism in today’s global economy.

    Flow Chart for Magnet Schools 2023-2024 

    Please send all inquiries to

    Bilingual Spanish Magnet Program Referral 24-25

    2020-2022 Bilingual Magnet School Certificate